The Sweetest Fig

The Sweetest Fig is a great book placed in Paris, France written and illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg. In this book, an old woman goes into a dentist’s office and tells him that she has a toothache. The dentist named Monsieur Bibot says she doesn’t have an appointment, but still checks on her tooth. During the check-up, the woman says she doesn’t have any money, but hands Monsieur Bibot two figs, and then he kicks her out because she has no money, and doesn’t give her the pills for her toothache. Before she left, she told Bibot that the figs will make your dreams come true. After the woman leaves, Monsieur eats one of the figs for a snack. The next day, he takes Marcel his dog out for a walk. While he is walking, he realizes everyone is looking at him. At first, he thinks it is because of how good he looks with his blue suit, but when he passes a cafe window, he looks in the mirror and he sees himself in his underwear. He runs into an alley and remembered he had a dream when that happened. Then he knew that the old woman was not lying about the figs. When he gets home, he says to himself, “Tomorrow, I will wake up being a millionaire.” He puts the fig on a plate in the kitchen, and he turns around to get some cheese. Wh en he turns back to the fig, he sees Marcel eating the last of the fig, and he is very furious. I think that this is a great story about always being kind to people even if you do not know them, and to always appreciate what you have. This book would be good for kids around 7-9, and overall it is a great picture book.

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